Posted by: kaleidophonic | January 28, 2013

Sound & Dissent Conference

Hey all!

Wow, it’s been WAY too long since I’ve posted. Apologies! I’ve been VERY busy lately.

Today I just wanted to let you know about a conference that’s coming up this Friday Feb. 1st at my alma mater, Concordia University here in Montreal. I will be presenting a paper about my PhD research on Montreal’s sonic history, and there will also be a roundtable discussion between Johnathan Sterne, Elena Razlogova and Kay Dickinson. So if you’re in the area, drop by!

Here are the conference details:

Sound & Dissent: A conference focusing on the intersections of sound and political history.

Friday, February 1, 2013

John Molson School of Business, Concordia University
12:30 PM MB 3.270
Presented under the auspices of the Sound Studies Working Group at Concordia University, Sound and Dissent brings together scholars from across Montreal to discuss the ways in which sound studies can help us think through instances of political dissent. The goal of this conference is to establish a space for scholars to bridge interdisciplinary research on the political implications of sound and its censorship.

Aural forms of protest are found throughout contemporary global actions like the Arab Spring, the Occupy Movement, and Idle No More, among others. From instantiations such as these, discourses on the effects of sound as a form of political protest have proliferated throughout public and scholarly debate. This conference will address sound as a vehicle for local and global political action as well as surveillance and regulation. Furthermore, Sound and Dissent will examine the issues most relevant to researching historical and contemporary sounds of resistance within digital culture.

Friday, February 1, 2013
12:30 PM
John Molson School of Business, Concordia University, 1450 Rue Guy, MB 3.270
Free Entrance

Chair: Dr. Jonathan Sterne

12:30 – S.D. Jowett, History, Queen’s University
“No Quiet Revolution: Reflections on Montreal’s historical soundscapes”

1:00 PM – Magdalena Olszanowski, Communication Studies, Concordia University
“The Nocturnal Sounds of 2012 Quebec Student Strike: Experiencing Protest as a Plurality of Resistances”

1:30 PM – Lilian Radovac, Communication Studies, McGill University
“It’s Not What You Say But How Loudly You Say It: New York’s Noise Ordinance and Public Speech.”

2:00 PM – Mitchell Akiyama, Communication Studies, McGill University
“Ultra Red’s Constitutive Utopias: Field Recording and the Politics of Sound Art”

2:30 – 3:00 PM – Coffee break

3:00 PM – Roundtable
“Documenting, Theorizing, and Archiving Sound”
A Roundtable with Dr. Kay Dickinson (Film Studies, Concordia University), Dr. Elena Razlogova (History, Concordia University) , and Dr. Jonathan Sterne (Communication Studies, McGill University)
Moderator: Dr. Masha Salazkina, Film Studies, Concordia University

Wine and cheese to follow in MB 3.130

Here’s a link to the Facebook event page:


  1. […] talk is basically the same one I gave back in February, a brief tour of Montreal’s sonic history and a description of my PhD project, “No […]

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